Alendry Labradors is a small breeder of English-type black and yellow Labrador Retrievers located just outside of Charleston, South Carolina on Johns Island. We strive to produce dogs who excel in both the breed ring and in the field. We are not a kennel, and our dogs are, first and foremost, members of our family.
Anne Wills is the founder and owner of Alendry Labradors. She and her husband, Mark, share their time, love and home with the dogs. Mark is key in early hunt and obedience training.
Anne has always had a strong bond with dogs, and her love of the Labrador breed stems back to early childhood with her first dog, Mollie, a black Lab. Anne studied Animal Science at Auburn University. During her studies, she discovered her interest in genetics and breeding. In 2012, Anne established Alendry Labradors with the first of the Alendry dogs, Thach.
The goal at Alendry Labradors is to produce Labrador retrievers that are healthy and free of inherited genetic diseases, conform to the breed standard, have excellent working ability and drive in the field, and have sound temperaments to be wonderful family companions.